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Save a Life and Stop Abuse Before It Escalates

22,811 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

76.04% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

By giving law enforcement the tools they need to effectively prosecute animal abuse cases, we can send a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated. Take action for animals!

Animal abuse is a serious issue in the United States and affects countless animals each year. Studies have shown that animal abuse is often a precursor to other forms of violence, such as domestic abuse, child abuse, and elder abuse. It is crucial that we understand the signs of animal abuse and take action to prevent it1.

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), approximately 1 million animals are abused or killed each year in the United States. This includes not only dogs and cats, but also horses, farm animals, and wildlife2.

There are many forms of animal abuse, including physical abuse, neglect, and hoarding. Physical abuse can include beating, kicking, or shooting an animal, while neglect can involve failing to provide proper food, water, shelter, or medical care. Hoarding is a unique form of abuse that involves collecting large numbers of animals in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions, leading to suffering and death for many of the animals involved3.

It is important for people to recognize the signs of animal abuse, so they can take action to help. Some signs of physical abuse may include visible wounds or injuries, such as bruises, cuts, or broken bones, as well as signs of fear or aggression in the animal4. Neglect can be indicated by an animal who is thin and emaciated, with matted fur and skin conditions, or who appears to be living in unsanitary conditions5.

In cases of hoarding, there may be large numbers of animals living in a single home, with many of them appearing to be sick or injured. There may also be a strong odor, as well as piles of feces and urine, and a general lack of care for the animals6.

There are several steps people can take to help prevent animal abuse. First, they can report any suspected abuse to the local animal control agency or the ASPCA. They can also get involved in animal rescue and advocacy groups, and help spread the word about animal abuse and its effects.

People can also help prevent animal abuse by being responsible pet owners themselves. This includes providing proper food, water, shelter, and medical care, as well as socializing and training their pets to ensure they are well-behaved and happy.

Another way people can help is by supporting legislation that helps protect animals from abuse. This can include laws that increase penalties for animal abuse, as well as laws that provide funding for animal welfare organizations.

The Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act is a federal bill that aims to strengthen the existing laws around animal cruelty and improve their enforcement. The bill was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2019 and reintroduced in 2021, While it has yet to become a law, it still has support from animal welfare organizations, animal lovers, and lawmakers alike7, and is more important now than ever before.

A reintroduced Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act would provide federal funding for state and local law enforcement agencies to help them enforce existing animal cruelty laws. It would also increase the penalties for those who engage in animal cruelty, making it a federal crime, with a maximum sentence of seven years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

This bill has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of animals by providing the resources and incentives needed to enforce animal cruelty laws effectively. With stronger laws and increased enforcement, we can better protect animals from abuse, neglect, and other forms of cruelty8.

Sign the petition and support the reintroduction of this critical legislation!

More on this issue:

  1. Charlie Robinson, M.A., M.S., and Victoria Clausen, M.A., Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. government, U.S. Department of Justice (10 August 2021), "The Link Between Animal Cruelty and Human Violence."
  2. Cindy A. Adams, ASPCA, Petfinder (2023), "America’s Animal Abuse Problem."
  3. East Bay SPCA, Humane Advocate, "Types Animal Neglect."
  4. Adam W. Stern, Today's Veterinary Practice (June 10, 2020), "Identifying Signs of Animal Abuse."
  5. Molly Weinfurter, I Heart Dogs (June 10, 2020), "Neglect Is Animal Abuse: Look Out For These Signs Of Neglect."
  6. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (2023), "Animal Hoarding."
  7. Rep. Joe Neguse (11 February 2021), "H.R.1016 - Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act of 2021."
  8. Sheldon Whitehouse, Sheldon Whitehouse United States Senator for Rhode Island (16 September 2020), "Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act Introduced."
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The Petition:

Dear members of the United States Congress,

I would like to express my support for reintroducing the Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act H.R. 1016, originally introduced in 2021, and before that in 2019. This act has the potential to save countless animals from abuse and bring those who commit these horrific crimes to justice.

Animal abuse is a serious problem that affects animals across the United States and around the world. Innocent creatures are subjected to unspeakable acts of cruelty every day, and they deserve our protection. The Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act will help to protect these vulnerable animals and send a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.

The Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act will give law enforcement the tools they need to effectively prosecute animal abuse cases. With this act in place, law enforcement will be able to prosecute animal cruelty cases at the federal level, regardless of where the crime occurred. This will allow for a more coordinated and effective response to animal abuse, and ensure that those who commit these horrific crimes are held accountable for their actions.

I believe that this act has the potential to make a real difference in the fight against animal cruelty, and we urge you to support it. Together, we can create a brighter future for animals everywhere.


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