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Tigers Face Dire Extinction in Bangladesh

2,022 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

6.74% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Join the crucial fight to save Bangladesh's tigers from the clutches of illegal trade – your action today can echo in the roar of tigers tomorrow.

Bangladesh, a land of natural beauty and rich biodiversity, is facing a critical conservation crisis. The iconic Bengal tiger, a symbol of our nation's wildlife heritage, is on the brink of extinction. This majestic creature, once roaming freely in the dense mangroves of the Sundarbans, is now trapped in a web of illegal poaching and trafficking.

The Alarming Reality

Recent studies have shockingly revealed that Bangladesh has transformed from a primary source to a major consumer in the global illegal tiger trade1. The demands of a growing elite class and an improved transportation infrastructure have escalated this crisis, turning Bangladesh into a key transit hub for tiger parts2.

Sundarbans: A Habitat in Peril

The Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world, is a critical habitat for Bengal tigers. Despite previous successful anti-poaching efforts, such as the 2017 anti-piracy campaign, this unique ecosystem continues to be vulnerable. Tigers are not only poached locally but are also brought in from neighboring countries like India and Myanmar to meet the increasing domestic demand3.

The Complex Web of Illegal Trade

A comprehensive study published in the Conservation Science and Practice journal highlights that Bangladesh now supplies tiger parts to 15 countries1. This illegal trade involves various criminal elements, including pirate groups and specialized poaching syndicates4, complicating the efforts to dismantle these networks.

Conservation Efforts Facing Challenges

Bangladesh's efforts in wildlife conservation are hindered by limited resources and funding, particularly for the Wildlife Crime Control Unit (WCCU). There is a dire need for enhanced participation in international forums and stronger regional collaboration to combat this wildlife crisis effectively2.

The Role of Cultural and Economic Factors

The rising demand among the affluent in Bangladesh for tiger parts, driven by cultural and religious beliefs, has significantly contributed to this illegal trade. This demand not only fuels local poaching but also attracts international criminal gangs, putting the future of Bengal tigers in jeopardy5.

Take Action Now!

The time to act is now. We cannot stand idly by while the symbol of our nation’s natural heritage edges closer to extinction. Join us in calling upon the government leaders of Bangladesh to take immediate and decisive action. By signing this petition, you are advocating for:

  • Strengthened anti-poaching initiatives.
  • Enhanced surveillance and protection in tiger habitats.
  • Stringent enforcement of laws against wildlife trafficking.
  • Adequate funding for wildlife protection units.

Your signature can make a difference. It is a pledge to save these magnificent creatures and ensure that the future generations can witness the majesty of the Bengal tiger in the wild. Together, we can turn the tide for Bangladesh's tigers.

Sign the petition today and be a voice for the voiceless. Let's secure a brighter future for our wildlife and our planet.

More on this issue:

  1. Nasir Uddin, Sam Enoch, Abishek Harihar, Rob S. A. Pickles, Alice C. Hughes, Conservation for Science and Practice (16 May 2023), "Tigers at a crossroads: Shedding light on the role of Bangladesh in the illegal trade of this iconic big cat."
  2. Mahadi Al Hasnat, Mongabay (9 January 2024), "Elite appetite turns Bangladesh from source to consumer of tiger parts."
  3. Panthera (28 July 2023), "New Study Pinpoints Bangladesh as Unexpected, Major Player in Global Tiger Poaching and Trafficking Industry, as World Marks International Tiger Day."
  4. France 24 (28 July 2023), "Bangladesh major hub for tiger poaching: study."
  5. Shafiqul Alam (29 July 2023), "Bangladesh major hub for tiger poaching: study."
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The Petition:

To the Government Leaders, Wildlife Advisory Board, and Wardens of Bangladesh,

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the plight of the endangered Bengal tiger in Bangladesh and urge immediate action to enhance anti-poaching efforts and implement robust conservation policies.

Tigers in Bangladesh, primarily residing in the Sundarbans, are under severe threat due to escalating illegal poaching and trafficking activities. This situation is exacerbated by a growing demand for tiger parts, both domestically and internationally. The transformation of Bangladesh from a source country to a major consumer and transit hub in the global tiger trade has put these majestic creatures at an alarming risk of extinction.

Strengthening anti-poaching initiatives, improving surveillance in critical habitats, and enforcing stringent laws against wildlife trafficking are imperative to safeguard the future of tigers in Bangladesh. This includes adequately funding and empowering the Wildlife Crime Control Unit (WCCU) and fostering regional and international collaboration for wildlife protection.

By taking decisive actions to protect the tigers, we not only preserve a vital part of our nation's natural heritage but also contribute to maintaining ecological balance. These efforts symbolize our commitment to wildlife conservation and reflect our responsibility towards ensuring a sustainable and vibrant planet for future generations.

We trust in your leadership and commitment to environmental stewardship and look forward to seeing effective measures implemented for the conservation of the endangered Bengal tiger.


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