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Fight False Myths: Take The Black Cat Pledge

45,328 signatures toward our 60,000 Goal

75.55% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Stories of black cats being kidnapped and abused always increase around Halloween. Help give these animals a chance!

Black cats have long been symbols of bad luck and evil in our culture. There isn't much evidence to substantiate the connection, but that hasn't stopped people from kidnapping, torturing, and even killing black cats around Halloween.

Years of targeting and persecution has indirectly led to the phenomenon "Black Cat Syndrome." This refers to a perceived reduction in adoption rates as opposed to felines of different coat colors, and may be directly linked to the perpetuating myths about black cats1.

In the UK, RSPCA rehoming stats show that black and black and white cats are more frequently seen in their centers than any other color2 and they also take up to twice as long to find their 'furever' home3.

According to Dr. Emily Weiss, ASPCA Vice President, black cats are admitted to animal shelters and rescue facilities in the U.S. more than any other color. But they're also adopted more. ASPCA data shows that black cats and dogs make up the majority of incoming animals, roughly 30 percent4.

More black cats are entering shelters and rescue facilities in the U.S. than other colors, and an equally large number of them are being adopted. But more are also euthanized. Because black animals are admitted to shelters at a higher frequency, there are simply more black pets than other colored pets in these facilities, causing a higher rate of euthanasia4.

The fact is, black cats are unfairly stereotyped, and the myths surrounding black animals directly contribute to needless suffering as these animals languish in shelters and are eventually euthanized.

Make a difference in the lives of these animals. Sign below and take the Black Cat Pledge.

More on this issue:

  1. Springbrook Animal Care Center (10 October 2017), "Halloween And Beyond: The Plight Of Black Cats."
  2. Companion Life (17 August 2018), "RSPCA highlight plight of black cats on Black Cat Appreciation Day."
  3. Companion Life (10 August 2018), "RSPCA figures reveal that older cats take twice as long to rehome."
  4. Yolanda M. Blake, Belmont County Animal Rescue League (21 August 2020), "The Truth About Black Cats."
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The Pledge:

As an advocate for the health and wellbeing of all animals, I want to change the unfair stereotypes that black cats are subject to, often leading to needless suffering.

I am taking the Black Cat Pledge and promise to:

  • Fight misinformation - I promise to call out statements that perpetuate the false myths about black cats.
  • Fight exploitation and cruelty - I promise to report any incidents of animal cruelty involving a black cat or any other animal to the authorities.
  • Support adoption efforts - All shelter cats need loving forever homes, and I will do my part to share adoption opportunities with my personal network.
  • Adopt, don't shop - Buying animals from a pet store serves to support breeding operations that lead to more animals languishing in shelters. I promise to support my local animal shelter whenever possible, and encourage others to do the same.


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