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Take the Veterans Day Pledge

11,473 signatures toward our 50,000 Goal

22.95% Complete

Sponsor: The Veterans Site

U.S. military veterans made sacrifices for our freedom. Let's honor them Veteran's Day and every day of the year!

President Woodrow Wilson established Armistice Day on Nov. 11, 1919, in memory of those who had fought during World War I1. This holiday is now called Veterans Day, on which we remember all who have served in the United States military during war or peace.

While veterans make up less than 9% of the population, they are responsible for giving us the freedoms we have and enjoy in this country2. Those courageous few who wore the uniform protected us and our liberty. They continue to do so today. For that great gift of freedom, and what they sacrificed to protect it, every American should be grateful for our veterans and take the time to show it on Veterans Day.

Unlike the more sombre Memorial Day, which is a time to remember the fallen heroes who gave their lives for their country, Veterans Day is a celebration of the veterans who are still with us. It is a time set aside each year to honor the veterans among us, let them know that they are appreciated, respected, and never forgotten, and to thank them for having served. But showing one's appreciation for our veterans can come in many different forms.

Service to the nation is and has always been one of the highest honors for those who have served. Take the Veterans Day Pledge and show your appreciation for those who served this Veterans Day!

More on this issue:

  1. Library of Congress, "Today in History - November 11."
  2. United States Census Bureau (2 June 2020), "Census Bureau Releases New Report on Veterans."
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The Pledge:

I am grateful for the sacrifices U.S. military veterans have made, and I pledge to advocate for these heroes by:

  1. Saying "Thank You" to a veteran
  2. Showing up for veterans' events
  3. Writing a letter to a veteran
  4. Volunteering for an organization that supports veterans
  5. Talking to a veteran
  6. Buying a meal for a veteran
  7. Remembering all those who have served

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