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Respect Wildlife in U.S. National Parks

6,970 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

23.23% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Your actions impact the delicate balance of ecosystems. Take action to preserve the natural beauty and safeguard the well-being of our national parks' wildlife!

Preserve Nature's Wonders, Protect Wildlife

The National Parks of the United States are extraordinary havens of untamed wilderness, where diverse wildlife species find solace. Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Great Smoky Mountains—these iconic parks serve as vital habitats, nurturing countless species and supporting critical conservation efforts. Yet, the impact of human activity within these pristine spaces can't be ignored.

Certain actions, however well-intentioned, can have devastating consequences for the animals that call these parks home.

When Good Intentions Go Wrong

One heartbreaking incident that unfolded in Yellowstone National Park. A visitor, encountering a struggling bison calf in Lamar Valley, believed he was acting compassionately by carrying the calf onto the roadway after it became separated from its herd during a river crossing1. However, this well-intentioned act had unintended and tragic consequences.

Park officials tried to reunite the calf with its herd, but human interference often leads to the rejection of offspring by their own kind. Sadly, the baby bison had to be euthanized to prevent potentially hazardous situations caused by its approach to cars and people along the roadway2. This incident vividly illustrates the profound impact of human interference on wildlife.

Another distressing incident occurred during Memorial Day weekend when park visitors placed an elk calf inside their car and brought it to the West Yellowstone Police Department3. These actions, however well-meaning, disrupt the natural order and endanger the lives of these remarkable animals.

Human behavior within national parks can significantly affect the lives of wildlife. Disruptive actions such as approaching too closely, feeding4, or touching animals can cause stress5, alter their natural behaviors, and even lead to aggression. Improper waste disposal6 and human food consumption attract wildlife to human areas, creating dependency and increasing the risk of conflicts. Additionally, habitat destruction4, noise pollution7, and the disturbance of nesting or breeding grounds can disrupt the fragile ecological balance and jeopardize the survival of many species.

Join the Movement, Take the Pledge

As visitors to these breathtaking national parks, we hold the privilege of experiencing their awe-inspiring beauty. Let us remember that we are guests in the homes of countless animals. Our actions matter.

By understanding the risks associated with human activity and committing to responsible behavior, we can protect the wildlife that makes these national parks truly remarkable. Take the pledge today to respect wildlife in our national parks, supporting a brighter future for wildlife across the country.

Together, let's preserve nature's wonders and safeguard the incredible wildlife that call our national parks home. Take the pledge to respect wildlife in U.S. national parks and protect these beautiful natural resources for years to come.

More on this issue:

  1. Apeksha Bhateja, Fodor's Travel (9 June 2023), "You’ll Inadvertently Kill Yellowstone’s Animals if You Do This."
  2. Phil Helsel, NBC News (31 May 2023), "Hawaii man pleads guilty and is fined following death of Yellowstone bison calf."
  3. Olivia Harden, SFGate (5 June 2023), "Yellowstone tourists put baby elk in their car for a drive."
  4. National Park Service (21 March 2022), "I Didn't Know That!: Don't Feed Wildlife."
  5. Jeff Zillgitt, SA Today (9 June 2023), "Visiting a national park? Don't be an idiot: Leave the animals alone!."
  6. Kate Kinnear, Rubicon (8 July 2022), "The Devastating Effects of Mismanaged Trash on Wildlife."
  7. Hansjoerg P. Kunc, Rouven Schmidt, Biology Letters (20 November 2019), "The effects of anthropogenic noise on animals: a meta-analysis."
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The Pledge:

I pledge to respect and protect the wildlife that calls our U.S. national parks home. I understand that my actions have a direct impact on the well-being and safety of these magnificent creatures. By taking responsibility for my behavior through the following actions, I can help ensure the preservation of their natural habitats and contribute to the conservation efforts within our national parks:

  1. I pledge to observe wildlife from a safe distance, using binoculars or telephoto lenses to appreciate their beauty without causing disturbance.
  2. I pledge not to feed wildlife, recognizing that their natural foraging behaviors are essential for their well-being.
  3. I pledge to respect wildlife's space and refrain from approaching or touching them to prevent stress or harm.
  4. I pledge to maintain a respectful distance when taking photographs, using zoom or cropping techniques instead of getting too close.
  5. I pledge to stay on designated trails and paths to minimize my impact on wildlife habitats.
  6. I pledge to keep my pets on leashes and under control to prevent conflicts with wildlife and protect both animals' safety.
  7. I pledge to learn and adhere to the specific guidelines and regulations of the national park I am visiting, respecting any restrictions on activities that may disturb wildlife.
  8. I pledge to report any incidents of wildlife harassment or improper behavior to park authorities, taking an active role in protecting wildlife.
  9. I pledge to support wildlife conservation efforts by donating to organizations dedicated to protecting their habitats and fostering scientific research, like Greater Good Charities and Project Peril.
  10. I pledge to inspire others by sharing my knowledge and experiences, encouraging them to respect and protect wildlife in our national parks.

By taking this pledge and acting upon it, we can collectively safeguard the wildlife in our American national parks. By respecting their natural behaviors, keeping a safe distance, and promoting responsible behavior, we can create a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife. Let us embrace our role as stewards of these precious ecosystems, ensuring their preservation for future generations to enjoy the wonders of our national parks. Together, we can make a significant difference and protect the wildlife that makes these parks so extraordinary.

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