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End Brutal Trophy Hunting — Save Russia's Majestic Wildlife

1,231 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

4.10% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

End the trophy hunting that threatens Russia's endangered wildlife—before we lose the majestic creatures that roam our earth forever.

In the vast and wild expanse of Russia, a silent crisis unfolds. The country’s majestic endangered species, from the stealthy Amur tiger to the towering bison, face a threat from an unexpected front: trophy hunting. Driven by a burgeoning elite class, this practice not only endangers specific animals but threatens the very ecosystems they inhabit.1

Why It Matters

Russia's natural heritage includes 13 species listed in Russia’s Red Book as endangered, such as the Siberian crane and the polar bear. These animals are more than just symbols of the wilderness; they are essential players in their habitats, maintaining the health and balance of these environments.2

Recent legal amendments have loosened restrictions on hunting these animals, often justified by claims of population control or scientific research. However, the reality is that these majestic creatures are being pushed ever closer to extinction for the sake of sport and profit, under the guise of legality.3

The Impact of Trophy Hunting

Trophy hunting disrupts wildlife populations and can lead to genetic weaknesses as the strongest and healthiest animals are removed from the gene pool. This practice not only harms individual species but also destabilizes the broader ecological networks that depend on these animals.1

Moreover, the ethical implications of trophy hunting cannot be ignored. Hunting endangered species for sport or trophies contradicts every principle of conservation and humane treatment of wildlife.2

What Can Be Done?

The solution is clear: Russia must enact a complete ban on the hunting of its endangered species. Such a measure would protect these animals from immediate threats and also provide an opportunity for their populations to recover and thrive. This action would not only benefit wildlife but would also support Russia's biodiversity and contribute to global ecological health.

Join Us

It's time to take a stand for Russia’s endangered species. Support our call for a complete ban on the hunting of the 13 endangered species listed in Russia’s Red Book. Sign the petition today to show that you care about the survival and health of these irreplaceable creatures and the ecosystems they support. Your voice can help secure a safer future for our world's rare wildlife.

Act now — the survival of Russia's majestic animals is in our hands.

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The Petition:

To the Members of Russia's Committee on Natural Resources and the Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection,

We, the undersigned, urgently call upon your esteemed bodies to enact a complete ban on the hunting of the 13 endangered species listed in Russia’s Red Book: the Amur tiger, Central Asian and Far Eastern leopard, snow leopard, bison, saiga, Przewalski's horse, Altai mountain sheep, gazelle, polar bear, Siberian crane, bowhead whale, and gray whale.

These species represent not just the natural heritage of Russia but are vital components of our global biodiversity. Each species plays a crucial role in their respective ecosystems, and their survival is intertwined with the health of our environment. The hunting and reduction of these species not only jeopardize ecological balance but also rob future generations of the rich natural legacy they are entitled to inherit.

Humanity and compassion must guide our actions towards these vulnerable species. The preservation of biodiversity is not merely an act of ecological necessity but a testament to our moral responsibility as stewards of the earth. It is imperative that we protect these animals from extinction and ensure their populations can recover and thrive.

By banning the hunting of these endangered species, we not only uphold our commitment to biodiversity conservation but also foster a sustainable relationship with nature, ensuring a better future for all. This action will demonstrate leadership in wildlife conservation and reinforce the global perception of Russia as a nation committed to protecting its natural heritage.

We trust in your commitment to preserving our planet's biodiversity and urge you to implement this ban with the utmost urgency.


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