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Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

The EATS Act could reshape the future of animal welfare in the US. Take action for animals!

The delicate balance between state autonomy and federal regulation is at the forefront of a heated debate in Congress. At stake are the rights of states to regulate livestock farming practices within their borders and the potential consequences for animal welfare.

The controversial battleground centers around the EATS Act (Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression), a proposal that could have far-reaching implications for the treatment of animals in the United States1. This legislation threatens to curtail the authority of individual states to regulate various aspects of livestock farming, effectively shifting the power to set standards from the states to the federal government2.

What's at Risk?

The EATS Act could undermine the progress made by states in improving the treatment of animals. It opens the door for industry challenges to state standards, potentially triggering a race to the bottom in terms of animal welfare3. This legislation threatens to nullify hard-fought state laws aimed at protecting animals from cruelty, as well as those concerning public health, safety, and environmental protections4.

Why Your Support Matters

We need your support to protect the rights of states to implement and enforce crucial animal welfare laws. By signing this petition, you're taking a stand for the well-being of animals across our nation. Your voice will join a chorus of concerned citizens and advocates, sending a powerful message to Congress that animal welfare matters.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

Join us in ensuring a healthier, safer future for pets and their human companions. Every signature counts, and your support can help us protect the integrity of state-level regulations and uphold the values of compassion and responsible governance.

Don't wait—take action now by signing the petition and standing up for animal welfare.

More on this issue:

  1. The Humane Society of the United States (15 June 2023), "Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act threatens animals, consumers, environment and state rights."
  2. Kenny Torrella, Vox (24 July 2023), "Inside the Republican effort to force millions of farm animals back into cages."
  3. Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program, Harvard University (26 July 2023), "The EATS Act could jeopardize over a thousand public health, safety, and welfare laws says new report from Harvard."
  4. Natalie Alms, Animal Equality (28 July 2023), "The EATS Act explained: The latest threat to farmed animals."
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The Petition:

Dear Congressman Earl Blumenauer and Congressman Brian K. Fitzpatrick,

We, the undersigned concerned citizens and advocates for animal welfare, write to express our unwavering support for your opposition to the EATS Act (Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression). We commend your efforts to stand up against legislation that could jeopardize critical animal welfare laws and standards.

The EATS Act, if passed, poses a significant threat to animal welfare in our country. This controversial proposal seeks to limit the authority of individual states to regulate various aspects of livestock farming. It undermines the progress made by states like California, where laws such as Proposition 12 have been established to ensure humane treatment of animals. If the EATS Act were to pass, it could trigger a race to the bottom in terms of animal welfare, allowing industry challenges to state standards and undermining the rights of states to protect animals from cruelty.

Your strong opposition to the EATS Act sends a powerful message that you prioritize the well-being of animals and the integrity of state-level regulations. By standing up against this legislation, you are ensuring a healthier and safer future for pets and their human companions. Your actions demonstrate a commitment to upholding the values of compassion and responsible governance.

We urge you to continue your efforts to protect the rights of states to implement and enforce crucial animal welfare laws. Your dedication to this cause is greatly appreciated, and we stand with you in defending the welfare of animals across our nation.

Thank you for your unwavering support of animal welfare and for championing the values that make our country a better place for all living beings.


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