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No More Bull Bloodshed — Help Us Ban Bullfighting in Venezuela

869 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

2.90% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Bullfighting in Venezuela inflicts unnecessary suffering on animals. Join us to end this cruel practice and build a compassionate future.

Bullfighting in Venezuela is a practice that inflicts immense suffering on animals, masking cruelty as culture. Bulls are subjected to brutal treatment, including having their eyes smeared with Vaseline and being drugged, before being forced into the ring where they are tortured and killed1. This outdated tradition, rooted in colonialism, continues to be a source of controversy and division within our country.

Despite the country's commitment to promoting human rights and social justice, bullfighting remains legal in some regions. The annual Feria del Sol in Mérida, for example, is a focal point for this practice, drawing crowds and economic interests that resist change2. However, public sentiment is shifting. More Venezuelans are recognizing the inherent cruelty of bullfighting and calling for its end.

Why Bullfighting Must End

Bullfighting is not just an outdated tradition; it is a violation of basic ethical standards. The practice glorifies violence and desensitizes spectators to the suffering of sentient beings. This is not in line with the values of a compassionate and progressive society. The financial arguments in favor of bullfighting do not hold up to scrutiny, as the economic benefits are minimal and mostly concentrated among a small group of businesses and individuals1.

In recent years, the movement against bullfighting has gained momentum. Notable victories, such as the recent ban in Maracaibo, show that change is possible3. The decision by Mayor Willy Casanova to repurpose the Maracaibo bullring for cultural activities sets a powerful precedent for other regions. It demonstrates that we can preserve our cultural heritage in ways that do not involve cruelty.

A Call for Humanity and Conservation

Ending bullfighting is not just about protecting animals; it is about promoting a culture of empathy and respect for life. By banning this practice, we send a clear message that Venezuela values compassion over cruelty. We can allocate resources currently used to support bullfighting to conservation efforts and ethical cultural activities that benefit the entire community.

The Animal Protection Law of 2009, which prohibits cruelty to animals, provides a legal basis for ending bullfighting4. However, enforcement has been inconsistent, and a clear legislative ban is necessary to close this loophole. By taking this step, we align ourselves with a growing international movement against animal cruelty and demonstrate our commitment to progressive values.

Join the Movement: Sign the Petition

We have a unique opportunity to make history by ending bullfighting in Venezuela once and for all. Your voice is crucial in this effort. By signing our petition, you join thousands of others in calling on the National Assembly to enact legislation banning bullfighting in our country. Together, we can create a future where compassion, not cruelty, is celebrated.

Sign the petition now and help us build a more humane and ethical Venezuela. Your support can make a real difference. Let’s ensure that future generations grow up in a country that values life and kindness over violence and spectacle.

More on this issue:

  1. Tamara Pearson, Brewminate (2021), "The Bullfighting Controversy in Venezuela."
  2. Paul Dobson, Venezuelanalysis (12 March 2018), "Bullfighting in Venezuela: Socialism Struggles with Contradictory Remnant of Colonial Past."
  3. Carly Day, Lady Freethinker (5 January 2018), "Bullfighting Has Just Been Banned in This Venezuelan City."
  4. World Animal Protection (3 October 2020), "Animal Protection Index."
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The Petition:

We, the undersigned, urgently call upon the National Assembly of Venezuela to enact legislation that permanently bans the practice of bullfighting within our nation. Bullfighting, a relic of a bygone era, is a cruel and barbaric spectacle that subjects animals to unnecessary suffering and death for mere entertainment.

As a society, it is our moral duty to progress towards more humane and compassionate practices. The continuation of bullfighting contradicts our commitment to human rights, conservation, and respect for all living beings. It is crucial that we protect animals from cruelty and uphold ethical standards that reflect our nation's values.

Furthermore, ending bullfighting will not only align us with international animal welfare standards but also promote conservation efforts. The resources currently allocated to supporting this practice could be better utilized in fostering sustainable and ethical cultural activities that enrich our communities.

By taking a stand against bullfighting, we will set a positive example for future generations, demonstrating our commitment to compassion, ethical treatment of animals, and progressive cultural practices. This action will ensure a better and more humane future for all Venezuelans, where respect for life is paramount.

We respectfully urge the National Assembly to act decisively and bring an end to this outdated and inhumane practice. Let us embrace a future that celebrates life and compassion, ensuring a better Venezuela for all its inhabitants.


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