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No Dirty Coal Mines Near Beautiful Bryce Canyon!

23,097 signatures toward our 40,000 Goal

57.74% Complete

Sponsor: The Rainforest Site

Stand strong in opposition to a dirty strip coal mine that's set to be constructed outside of Bryce Canyon National Park.

Bryce Canyon National Park is one of our nation's true gems — with soaring red rock spires and spiky cliffs, Bryce is an awe-inspiring place. And because it's a national park, it belongs to all of us.

But the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is endangering our precious park by supporting a proposal to bring a strip coal mine just outside of the park's limits. The coal mine would operate at all times and greatly threaten the unadulterated natural beauty that is Bryce Canyon.

If implemented, the coal mine would contribute to pollution and erosion in and around Bryce Canyon, threatening its water, wildlife, and nature. Possible fuel spills could mean the end of the Bryce Canyon ecosystem.

Tell the BLM to put the environment first and reverse its support of the dirty coal mine!

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The Petition:

To the Director of the BLM:

I'm very disappointed in the Bureau of Land Management's decision to support the construction of a strip coal mine just outside of Bryce Canyon National Park.

Located in a remote area of Utah, Bryce Canyon is a majestic red-rock oasis that boasts breathtaking views and is home to countless precious wildlife. But if the strip coal mine is built, all of this will be in great danger.

I think we all can understand why putting a coal mine next to such a pristine and untouched landscape is a dangerous idea. And you at the BLM should know that better than anyone.

Please stand up for nature. Stand up for conservation. Speak out for a clean planet. Do not permit the construction of this coal mine anywhere near Bryce Canyon.

Thank you.

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