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Prevent Extinction for America's Tiniest Rabbit

1,790 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

5.97% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Urge for immediate Endangered Species Act protections to save this species from the brink of extinction.

The pygmy rabbit, the tiniest rabbit in North America, faces a critical threat. Its survival hangs in the balance, and time is running out. These small creatures, native to the sagebrush steppe of the American West, are losing their homes and food sources at an alarming rate.

The Heart of the Matter

The dense sagebrush habitats, vital for the pygmy rabbit's survival, are vanishing. Invasive species, rampant wildfires, and unchecked human development are destroying these crucial areas. Without immediate action, the pygmy rabbit could disappear forever1.

Conservation Efforts

In response to this dire situation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has acknowledged the need for Endangered Species Act protections for the pygmy rabbit2. This recognition is a crucial step, but it's just the beginning. We need to ensure these protections are implemented swiftly to save this species from the brink of extinction.

Research and Technology

To better understand and protect the pygmy rabbit, researchers are turning to advanced technologies. The use of drones by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is revolutionizing the way we monitor these rabbits and their habitats, offering a safer and more efficient method of data collection3. This innovative approach is crucial for the conservation of the pygmy rabbit.

Ecosystem Health

The decline of the pygmy rabbit is indicative of a larger ecological crisis. The sagebrush ecosystem, once vast and thriving, now faces significant threats from multiple fronts4. Protecting the pygmy rabbit is not just about saving a single species; it's about preserving the health and resilience of an entire ecosystem.

Take Action Now

The time to act is now. We must rally together to urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to extend Endangered Species Act protections to the pygmy rabbit5. By signing this petition, you're not just advocating for a small rabbit; you're fighting for the preservation of our natural heritage and the health of our planet.

Your voice matters. Sign the petition today to help ensure a resilient ecosystem and a brighter future for all.

More on this issue:

  1. Geroge Wuerthner, The Wildlife News (30 January 2024), "Pygmy Rabbit Proposed For Listing Under Endangered Species Act."
  2. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal Register (25 January 2024),"Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Findings for 10 Species."
  3. Nicole Jordan, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (12 September 2023),"WDFW researchers use drones to survey Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits."
  4. Derrick Jones, KSL News Radio (26 January 2024), "Pygmy rabbit faces endangerment as Sagebrush Sea dwindles."
  5. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (28 December 1973), "Endangered Species Act."
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The Petition:

To the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service,

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the plight of the pygmy rabbit, North America's smallest rabbit species, currently facing imminent threats to its survival. Native to the sagebrush steppe of the American West, the pygmy rabbit is a vital part of our natural heritage and plays a crucial role in the ecological balance of its habitat.

The pygmy rabbit's existence is precariously hanging by a thread due to a multitude of factors including habitat destruction, invasive species, climate change, and disease. The once vast sagebrush ecosystem, which provides essential food and shelter for the pygmy rabbit, is rapidly diminishing. Human activities, such as agriculture and urban development, along with the spread of invasive species like cheatgrass, have significantly altered and fragmented this critical habitat. Furthermore, the increased frequency and intensity of wildfires, exacerbated by climate change, have devastated large areas of sagebrush, further endangering the pygmy rabbit's survival.

In light of these dire circumstances, we urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to grant Endangered Species Act protections to the pygmy rabbit. Such a designation is crucial for the implementation of conservation measures that will help preserve and restore the sagebrush ecosystem, thereby ensuring the survival of the pygmy rabbit. Legal protection under the Endangered Species Act would facilitate much-needed research, habitat conservation, and restoration efforts, and raise public awareness about the challenges facing this species.

By extending Endangered Species Act protections to the pygmy rabbit, we not only safeguard this imperiled species but also contribute to the health and resilience of the broader sagebrush ecosystem. A healthy sagebrush steppe is essential for the survival of numerous other species and the overall ecological integrity of the region.

We believe that proactive conservation measures, underpinned by the Endangered Species Act, will ensure a more resilient ecosystem and a brighter future for the pygmy rabbit, as well as for all species that depend on this critical habitat. We respectfully request that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service take immediate action to protect the pygmy rabbit and, by extension, preserve the rich biodiversity of our natural world.


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