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Stop Kentucky's Ag-Gag Law From Hiding Horrific Cruelty

1,867 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

6.22% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Defend the right to expose the hidden truths of animal cruelty in Kentucky's food facilities.

The Kentucky legislature has passed Senate Bill 16, a controversial law that threatens to undermine decades of progress in animal rights and transparency within the agricultural industry.

This bill, if not vetoed by Governor Andy Beshear, will criminalize the unauthorized use of recording devices in commercial food facilities and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs)1.

Evidence of Cruelty

Mercy for Animals, a leading voice in the fight for animal rights, recently exposed harrowing conditions in Kentucky poultry farms through hidden-camera footage2. Their investigations have revealed undeniable cruelty that can no longer be ignored. Yet, Senate Bill 16 aims to silence such essential whistleblowing efforts, effectively turning a blind eye to the suffering of countless animals.

The bill's supporters argue it is necessary to protect Kentucky's agricultural industry. However, what is at stake is far greater than the interests of any single industry. It is about ensuring that we, as a society, uphold values of kindness, justice, and accountability. It's about making sure that those who expose wrongdoing are protected, not punished3.

Critics of Senate Bill 16, including legal experts and animal rights advocates, have raised significant concerns about its implications for free speech and the public's right to know4. Such "ag-gag" laws have been challenged and overturned in other states for these very reasons. We cannot allow Kentucky to regress by enacting legislation that shields inhumane practices from public scrutiny.

Now is the time to act. We must come together to voice our opposition to Senate Bill 16 and call for its immediate rejection. By signing the petition, you are standing with the countless animals suffering in silence, and with the brave individuals who risk everything to bring their plight into the light.

Your Voice Can Make a Difference

Join us in this crucial moment to defend the rights of animals and the fundamental principles of transparency and accountability. By signing the petition, you are not just opposing a piece of legislation; you are advocating for a future where the welfare of all beings is valued and protected.

Sign the Petition Now and be a part of the movement for a more compassionate Kentucky.

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The Petition:

To the Kentucky State Legislature,

We, the undersigned, urgently call upon the Kentucky state legislature to halt the progression of Senate Bill 16, a law that significantly undermines the foundational principles of transparency, accountability, and animal welfare within the state. This bill, framed as a measure to protect agricultural operations, in reality, functions as an "ag-gag" law, designed to silence the crucial work of whistleblowers and animal rights activists.

Animal rights activists play an indispensable role in our society. They serve as the voice for the voiceless, bringing to light the often-hidden inhumanity within industrial agricultural practices. Their courageous efforts to expose cruelty and advocate for the humane treatment of animals lead to necessary reforms and promote a more ethical and compassionate food system.

Senate Bill 16 threatens to strip these advocates of their ability to inform the public about animal mistreatment and unsafe conditions in food processing facilities. By criminalizing the documentation of these realities without explicit consent from facility owners, this bill effectively shields operations from scrutiny and accountability, allowing inhumane practices to continue unchecked.

We must stand together to ensure that our laws reflect our values of compassion, fairness, and justice. By rejecting Senate Bill 16, we uphold these principles, fostering a culture of transparency that benefits both humans and animals. Together, we can work towards a brighter future where the welfare of all beings is respected and protected.

Let us unite in opposition to Senate Bill 16 and advocate for a Kentucky that values the rights and well-being of all its inhabitants, both human and non-human.


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