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Spread Humane Legislation Nationwide

7,092 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

23.64% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Let's celebrate Oregon's compassion and urge other states to follow suit!

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of animals? Your voice can help protect them from cruelty and suffering.

Oregon has taken a remarkable step forward by banning puppy mills and cosmetics testing on animals, setting an inspiring example for other states to follow1. Now, it's our turn to stand up and take action.

The Dark Reality of Puppy Mills

Puppy mills are places of misery for our four-legged friends. Dogs are crammed into small, filthy cages, often lacking proper medical care and socialization. The breeding practices at these mills lead to genetic disorders and behavioral problems in dogs, resulting in a lifetime of suffering2.

Isn't it time we put an end to this inhumanity?

The Horrors of Cosmetics Testing on Animals

Imagine enduring a life of pain, all in the name of beauty. Countless animals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice, suffer through painful tests that can cause blindness, burns, and organ damage. Millions of animals suffer and die every year in the cosmetics testing industry3.

We can no longer turn a blind eye to this unnecessary cruelty.

Be Part of the Solution

By adding your signature to our petition, you can be part of the solution. Let's call upon state legislatures to ban puppy mills and cosmetics testing on animals. Together, we can create a safer, happier future for all living creatures in the United States.

Why Your Signature Matters

  • Protect Animals: Your signature sends a powerful message that we, as a community, value the well-being of animals. It's time to put an end to their suffering and prioritize their welfare.
  • Lead by Example: When we take this crucial step, we become a beacon of compassion, showing other states the way forward in the fight against cruelty to animals.
  • Promote Ethical Practices: By supporting a ban on puppy mills and cosmetics testing on animals, we encourage ethical and cruelty-free practices in our society.

Make Your Voice Heard

Don't let animals suffer in silence. Your signature can make a real difference. Join us in urging our state legislature to take action. Let's create a world where animals are treated with kindness and respect.

Add your signature to our petition and be a part of this vital movement for change. Together, we can ensure a brighter, more compassionate future for animals.

More on this issue:

  1. Animal Legal Defense Fund (4 August 2023), "Oregon Governor Signs Bill into Law to Fund Animal Cruelty Special Prosecutor."
  2. The Humane Society of the United States (2023), "Stopping Puppy Mills."
  3. Cruelty Free International (2023), "Cosmetics."
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The Petition:

To the members of my state legislature,

I am writing as a concerned citizen and an advocate for the humane treatment of animals to urge our state legislature to take a critical step towards ensuring the well-being of animals in our state. Oregon and several other states have already set an inspiring example by banning puppy mills and cosmetics testing on animals. I believe it is high time that we, as a state, follow suit.

Puppy mills are notorious for their inhumane treatment of dogs. Animals are subjected to overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, often lacking proper medical care and socialization. The breeding practices at puppy mills result in genetic disorders and behavioral problems in dogs, leading to a lifetime of suffering. By banning puppy mills, we can put an end to this cruelty and prioritize the welfare of animals.

Cosmetics testing on animals is equally troubling. Countless animals endure painful and outdated tests, such as skin and eye irritation tests, that can cause blindness, burns, and organ damage. Millions of animals suffer and die annually in the name of cosmetics testing. Many countries and states have already recognized the cruelty of such practices and have banned cosmetics testing on animals. It's time we join this compassionate movement.

By implementing these bans, we will ensure a happier, safer future for all living beings in our state. We can lead by example, demonstrating our dedication to creating a more compassionate world where animals are treated with respect and kindness. These actions will not only protect animals from unnecessary suffering but also promote ethical and cruelty-free practices in our society.

I kindly request that you consider this petition seriously and take swift action to ban puppy mills and cosmetics testing on animals in our state. Let us stand together in defense of the voiceless, making our state a shining beacon of compassion and humane treatment for animals.

Thank you for your attention to this crucial matter. I look forward to seeing our state take this significant step towards a brighter future for animals.


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