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Veterinarian Shortage Risks Pet Lives — Support Dedicated Vets!

15,203 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

50.68% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Millions of furry friends could be left without proper care due to the dire shortage of veterinarians in the US. Pledge to support vets in your community and nationwide!

Recent studies have shown that the country is facing a dire shortage of veterinarians, with an estimated shortfall of 15,000 veterinarians by 20301. This shortage is due to various factors, including the increasing number of pets following COVID-19 and high debt-to-income ratios2. The lack of veterinary care in many areas is leading to the neglect and mistreatment of animals, which can have a significant impact on their health and well-being.

As animal lovers, it's up to us to take action and support veterinarians and the education of future veterinarians in our communities and throughout the country. Veterinarians are medical professionals who specialize in animal health, and they are responsible for diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases, injuries, and other medical conditions that affect animals3. They also provide guidance on nutrition, exercise, and preventative care to ensure that pets remain healthy.

Veterinarians work with a variety of animals, including pets, livestock, wildlife, and zoo animals4. They are trained to perform medical procedures, surgeries, and prescribe medications to treat a wide range of medical conditions. They also play a crucial role in public health by monitoring and controlling diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans5.

If you're wondering how you can help support veterinarians and the education of future veterinarians, there are many ways to get involved. One of the best ways to support veterinarians is by bringing your pet for regular checkups and following their recommendations for care6. Regular checkups can help prevent serious health issues and catch any problems early on.

Another way to support veterinarians is by volunteering at local animal shelters and clinics. This helps support the care of animals and alleviate the workload of veterinarians and veterinary technicians. You can also donate to organizations that support veterinary education and research, such as Greater Good Charities' mission to help dogs in shelters across the U.S.

Providing food, vaccinations, bedding, and enrichment needs for dogs is a costly endeavor for animal shelters across the country. Due to the high cost of these basic necessities, shelters often have to limit the number of dogs and puppies that they can save. When you donate, we will transport a care package of nutritious, high quality dog food, beds, and vaccinations to dogs in need. Shelters and rescue groups nationwide appreciate your support!

Encouraging young people to consider careers in veterinary medicine is also an essential way to support the industry. You can share information about the profession and provide mentorship opportunities to help young people explore the field. Additionally, advocating for policies and funding that support the veterinary profession, such as student loan forgiveness programs7 and increased funding for veterinary schools and research8, is another way to get involved.

If you're a veterinary professional, you can also take steps to address the challenges facing the industry. Promoting work-life balance and mental health support, as well as advocating for increased diversity and inclusion in the profession, are crucial steps to help address the shortage of veterinarians.

The current shortage of veterinarians in the United States poses a significant challenge to the health and well-being of the nation's pets and livestock. Without action, this shortage is expected to worsen in the coming years, leading to longer wait times for appointments and reduced access to care.

But there is hope for the future. It's up to individuals, communities, and policymakers to address this issue and support the veterinary profession. By volunteering, donating, advocating, and promoting work-life balance and mental health, we can help ensure that our pets and livestock receive the care they need.

If you're ready to take action and support veterinarians, we encourage you to sign the pledge to support veterinarians in your community and throughout the nation. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a brighter future for our pets and the people who devote their lives to providing animals with veterinary care.

More on this issue:

  1. Mars Veterinary Health (March 2022), "Tackling the Veterinary Professional Shortage."
  2. Jacob Bogage, The Washington Post (7 January 2022), "Americans adopted millions of dogs during the pandemic. Now what do we do with them?"
  3. St. George's University (15 December 2021), "What Is a Veterinarian? Uncovering the Role of Animal Doctors."
  4. I Love Veterinary (28 January 2018), "Becoming a Zoo Veterinarian."
  5. I Ghasemzadeh and SH Namazi, Journal of Medicine and Life Science (2015), "Review of bacterial and viral zoonotic infections transmitted by dogs."
  6. American Animal Hospital Association (2023), "Why Are Regular Veterinary Visits Important?"
  7. Kat Tretina, Jamie Young, Forbes Advisor (30 January 2022), "Student Loan Forgiveness For Veterinarians."
  8. National Research Council (US) Committee on the National Needs for Research in Veterinary Science, Critical Needs for Research in Veterinary Science (2005), "Examples of Funding Opportunities for Veterinary Research."
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The Pledge:

I recognize the vital role that veterinarians play in the health and well-being of our pets and livestock. I am committed to taking actions to support veterinarians in my community and throughout the nation. By doing so, I can help ensure that our pets and livestock receive the best possible medical care.

Here are 10 actions I pledge to take:

  1. Bring my pet for regular checkups: Regular checkups are crucial for maintaining the health of our pets. By bringing my pet for regular checkups, I can help support veterinarians and ensure that my pet is receiving the best possible medical care.
  2. Follow recommendations for care: Veterinarians provide guidance on nutrition, exercise, and preventative care, such as vaccinations, to ensure that pets remain healthy. By following their recommendations, I can help support veterinarians and keep my pet healthy.
  3. Volunteer at local animal shelters and clinics: I will volunteer at local animal shelters and clinics to support the care of animals and alleviate the workload of veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
  4. Encourage young people to consider careers in veterinary medicine: I will encourage young people to consider careers in veterinary medicine by sharing information about the profession and providing mentorship opportunities.
  5. Advocate for policies and funding that support the veterinary profession: I will advocate for policies and funding that support the veterinary profession, such as student loan forgiveness programs and increased funding for veterinary schools and research.
  6. Promote work-life balance and mental health support: I will promote work-life balance and mental health support for veterinary professionals, as well as advocate for increased diversity and inclusion in the profession.
  7. Spread awareness about the shortage of veterinarians: I will spread awareness about the shortage of veterinarians in the United States and encourage others to take action to support the veterinary profession.
  8. Participate in community events and fundraisers: I will participate in community events and fundraisers that support veterinary organizations and initiatives.
  9. Thank veterinarians for their hard work: Lastly, I will make sure to thank veterinarians for their hard work and dedication to animal health. A simple "thank you" can go a long way in showing appreciation for their important work.
  10. Donate to organizations that support veterinary education and research and help veterinarians do their jobs: I will donate to organizations that support veterinary education and research, and help veterinarians do their jobs, such as Greater Good Charities' mission to help dogs in shelters across the U.S. by helping shelters acrtoss the country provide food, vaccinations, bedding, and enrichment needs for dogs.

By taking these 10 actions, I hope to make a positive impact in the lives of animals and the veterinary professionals who care for them. I encourage others to join me in this pledge and support the veterinary profession in any way they can. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a brighter future for veterinary medicine.

Pledged by,

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