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End Seaquarium Suffering — Save Animals from Neglect

10,206 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

34.02% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Call for action against neglect and ensure a humane future for the marine inhabitants of the Miami Seaquarium.

The Miami Seaquarium, a beloved landmark, now stands at a crossroads. Recent events have brought to light the urgent need for change, revealing a troubling disregard for the well-being of its marine residents. It's time we come together to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Urgent Action Required

The resignation of the Seaquarium's senior veterinarian, Dr. Jessica Comolli, signals a deepening crisis within. This pivotal moment follows a scathing report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which uncovered numerous violations concerning the care of the animals1. The situation is dire, with the facility's future hanging in the balance as it struggles with structural and health concerns, leaving it severely understaffed2.

The Toll on Marine Life

The animals at the Seaquarium are in jeopardy. The story of Sundance, a dolphin who showed signs of gastric distress without the necessary medical equipment available for proper diagnosis, ended in tragedy3. Another heartbreaking case is that of Sushi, a sea lion euthanized after failing to receive timely care for her eye condition3. These are not isolated incidents but indicative of a systemic failure to provide the basic care these animals deserve.

A Call for Accountability

The Seaquarium's challenges extend beyond its veterinary staff shortages. The loss of its certification with the American Humane Association, a critical requirement under its lease agreement with Miami-Dade County, highlights the facility's inability to meet established care standards4. This, coupled with growing public outcry and legal scrutiny, underscores the need for an immediate and comprehensive overhaul of the Seaquarium's operational practices.

Your Voice Matters

Miami-Dade County officials, including Mayor Daniella Levine Cava, are at a pivotal juncture, considering the termination of the Seaquarium's lease in response to these alarming developments5. This decision could mark the beginning of a new chapter for the Seaquarium, one where the welfare of its animals is no longer an afterthought.

We must seize this moment to advocate for change. The lives of countless marine animals depend on our collective action. By signing our petition, you're not just adding your name to a list; you're joining a community committed to ensuring a safer, more humane future for the inhabitants of the Miami Seaquarium.

Join us in calling on Miami-Dade County officials to take decisive action. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for the marine life at the Miami Seaquarium. Sign the petition today and stand with us in this crucial fight for justice and compassion.

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The Petition:

To the Miami-Dade County Officials and Mayor,

We, the undersigned, urge immediate action to terminate the lease of the Miami Seaquarium, managed by the Dolphin Company. This facility has repeatedly failed to meet the basic standards of animal care and welfare, as documented by numerous U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports and witnessed by the resignation of the facility's senior veterinarian amidst these troubling revelations.

The animals at the Seaquarium are subjected to distressing conditions, including inadequate medical care, unsanitary living environments, and a lack of sufficient staff to ensure their well-being. The recent deaths and suffering of marine life, such as the dolphin named Sundance and the sea lion Sushi, underscore the urgent need for intervention. Furthermore, the loss of crucial certifications and the potential violation of lease agreements highlight the facility's inability to uphold the required standards of care and operation.

By terminating the Seaquarium's lease, Miami-Dade County can pave the way for a more humane and ethical treatment of these majestic creatures. This action will not only alleviate the immediate suffering of the animals currently housed at the Seaquarium but also set a precedent for the responsible stewardship of wildlife. It is our collective responsibility to ensure a compassionate and sustainable future for all living beings and our planet.

We implore you to take decisive action to revoke the Miami Seaquarium's lease and seek alternative solutions that prioritize the health, welfare, and dignity of the animals. Together, we can create a brighter, more compassionate future for marine life and reaffirm our commitment to preserving the natural world.


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