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Commit to Pet Safety Around Poisons

1,217 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

4.06% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Take steps to understand the risks that lurk in your home and create a safe haven for your beloved pets.

Did you know that your home could be a minefield of dangers for your beloved pets? National Poison Prevention Week is more than a date on the calendar – it's a vital wake-up call for pet owners everywhere.

Every year, millions of pets are exposed to potentially dangerous substances1, leading to alarming numbers of emergency visits and calls to poison control centers2.

Hidden Dangers in Plain Sight

Your everyday items, such as cleaning supplies, human medications, and certain foods, can pose significant risks to pets. With nearly 200,000 potential pet poison cases reported annually, even common household items demand our attention3. Even foods like chocolate, xylitol-sweetened products, and certain plants like lilies and sago palms, which seem harmless to us, can be deadly for our furry friends4.

Recent statistics show a worrying increase in pet poisonings. Over 401,000 calls were made to the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center in just one year2. This stark number highlights the urgent need for increased awareness and prevention measures.

Know the Signs

Recognizing the signs of poisoning is crucial. Symptoms can include vomiting, seizures, and difficulty breathing. Knowing these signs and acting quickly can be life-saving5.

A Safer Home for Your Pets

While it's vital to be aware of the potential dangers in your home, the good news is that most pet poisonings are preventable. Simple steps, like safe storage of medications and chemicals, keeping toxic foods out of reach, and using pet-safe pest control methods, can make a significant difference in your pet's safety6.

Sign the Pet Safety Pledge

Your commitment can change the future for your pet. By taking the Pet Poison Safety Pledge, you join a community dedicated to creating safer environments for our pets. The pledge includes practical steps like conducting regular home inspections, safe trash management, and spreading awareness among fellow pet owners.

Signing the pledge is a statement of your dedication to your pet's health and happiness. It’s an ongoing commitment to ensuring their well-being and safeguarding them from hidden dangers.

Take Action Today

Every pet deserves a safe and loving home. By taking the Pet Safety Pledge, you're not only protecting your pet but also setting an example for responsible pet ownership. Let's make every week a poison prevention week for our pets.

Sign the Pet Poison Safety Pledge and make a difference in your pet's life today!

More on this issue:

  1. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (2023), "Animal Poison Control."
  2. Trupanion, State Farm (15 March 2023), "National Animal Poison Prevention Week: What you need to know."
  3. Lauren Jones, VMD, PetMD (26 August 2022), "Poisons in Dogs."
  4. Cabbagetown Pet Clinic (26 February 2020), "How do Essential Oils affect your Pet?."
  5. Krista Williams, BSc, DVM, CCRP; Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM; Ernest Ward, DVM, VCA Animal Hospitals (2023), "Emergencies in Dogs."
  6. Krista Williams, BSc, DVM, CCRP; Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM; Ernest Ward, DVM, VCA Animal Hospitals (2023), "Emergencies in Cats."
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The Pledge:

As a devoted pet guardian, I acknowledge the importance of maintaining a safe environment for my beloved pets. Recognizing that common household items can pose unexpected threats, I am committed to proactive measures to safeguard my pets from potential poisons.

Actions I Pledge to Take:

  1. Regular Home Inspection: Conducting periodic checks to identify and eliminate potential hazards in my home.

  2. Safe Storage of Medications and Chemicals: Ensuring all medications, cleaning agents, and chemicals are stored securely and out of pets’ reach.

  3. Researching Plant Safety: Verifying the safety of plants in my home and garden, removing those harmful to pets.

  4. Monitoring Food Accessibility: Keeping human foods, especially toxic ones like chocolate, grapes, and xylitol-containing products, away from pet areas.

  5. Educating Myself on Pet Toxins: Staying informed about common pet toxins and symptoms of poisoning.

  6. Implementing Trash Management: Ensuring all trash bins are secure and inaccessible to curious pets.

  7. Responsible Use of Pest Control: Using pet-friendly pest control methods and storing all rodent or insect poisons safely.

  8. Emergency Preparedness: Keeping the contact information of my veterinarian and a pet poison helpline readily available.

  9. Avoiding Unsupervised Access: Supervising my pets, particularly in areas where they might encounter hidden dangers.

  10. Spreading Awareness: Sharing knowledge and resources about pet poison prevention with fellow pet owners.

By committing to these actions, I am contributing to a healthier and happier future for my pets and reinforcing the bond we share. Safety at home is not just a week-long commitment but a continuous effort to ensure the well-being of our cherished animal companions.

Pledged by,

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