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Innocent Puppies Are Dying In Filth — Shut Down This Heartless Trade

2,160 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

7.20% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Thousands of innocent puppies are suffering, funneled into California's underground market by heartless breeders. End the cruelty and hold them accountable!

Thousands of puppies are being bred in filthy, inhumane conditions across the Midwest and then shipped to California, enduring long, stressful journeys only to end up in overcrowded cages or dark garages.

Many of these dogs come from puppy mills—mass breeding operations that prioritize profit over animal welfare. They arrive sick, malnourished, and suffering from preventable diseases, only to be sold to unknowing buyers who think they are supporting local breeders1.

California's Law Is Not Enough

California passed laws in 2017 to stop this cruelty by banning pet stores from selling commercially bred dogs. The intention was to curb puppy mills, but it pushed the trade underground. Brokers and mass breeders now sell puppies through online platforms, parking lots, and under the guise of “rescues” or local breeders. The dogs continue to suffer, and the flow of sick, neglected animals has not stopped2.

Destroyed Records Hide the Truth

Even worse, California state agencies are destroying vital veterinary inspection records that could track the origins of these dogs, leaving consumers and authorities in the dark about where these puppies come from and the conditions they’ve endured. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) acknowledges receiving thousands of these records, but immediately purges them, stating they have no authority over them3. Meanwhile, local health departments are either unaware of their role in collecting these documents or lack the infrastructure to manage them properly.

Families and Animals Pay the Price

The result? Dogs bred in unsanitary, overcrowded conditions continue to be funneled into the state with no oversight. Families, thinking they are buying a healthy pet, often face heartbreak and high veterinary bills when their new puppy gets sick. In one case, a West Highland terrier purchased in a parking lot died just 11 days later from parasites and pneumonia1. Stories like this are all too common.

A Network of Neglect and Abuse

With no reliable tracking or regulation, this cruel cycle continues. States like Missouri, Ohio, and Iowa remain major suppliers of puppies to California, despite many of these breeders having a history of animal welfare violations4. The dogs from these facilities live in cramped cages, rarely see the light of day, and receive minimal veterinary care. Some breeders even hide sick animals from inspectors or use deceptive paperwork to obscure the truth1.

It's Time to End the Suffering

We cannot stand by while this happens. California must do more to stop the cruelty and protect both animals and consumers. The state needs to strengthen its laws, enforce them properly, and provide transparency around the origins of these animals. The CDFA must stop destroying veterinary records, and breeders and brokers must be held accountable.

We are calling on the Governor of Califoria, the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and the California Department of Public Health to take immediate action. It’s time to close the loopholes that allow these puppy mills to operate freely in California.

Sign the petition today. Together, we can end the suffering of puppies in this cruel pipeline and ensure a better future for pets and their families.

More on this issue:

  1. Alene Tchekmedyian and Melody Gutierrez, Los Angeles Times (12 September 2024), "Puppy mill pipeline still flows into California."
  2. James R. Hood, Consumer Affairs (12 September 2024), "Brutal California puppy pipeline exposed."
  3. Melody Gutierrez and Alene Tchekmedyian, Los Angeles Times (12 September 2024), "California purging thousands of puppy import records."
  4. Animal Legal Defense Fund, (13 March 2023), "Challenging multistate puppy laundering scheme."
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The Petition:

To the Governor of California, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and Director of the California Department of Public Health,

We, the undersigned, call on you to take immediate and decisive action to end California’s participation in the cruel and inhumane puppy pipeline. Despite existing regulations, thousands of puppies bred in squalid, profit-driven puppy mills continue to pour into our state, often enduring unimaginable suffering. These innocent animals are raised in appalling conditions, transported across state lines, and sold to unknowing consumers as healthy pets, when many are malnourished, sick, or even dying.

California’s efforts to ban the sale of commercially bred dogs in pet stores have inadvertently pushed this trade underground, allowing mass breeders and brokers to continue their exploitation through deceptive means. The destruction of vital veterinary inspection records and the lack of coordination between agencies has exacerbated the issue, enabling unscrupulous actors to operate freely without accountability.

We believe in the fundamental need for compassion and humanity in how we treat all living creatures. Puppies should never be viewed as commodities to be exploited for profit, but as sentient beings deserving of care and protection. The current system fails both the animals and the families who welcome them into their homes, often facing devastating emotional and financial consequences when their new pets fall ill.

We urge you to implement the following actions immediately:

  1. Stop the destruction of veterinary records by the CDFA and ensure full transparency in tracking where puppies come from and where they are sold.
  2. Strengthen enforcement of laws regulating the transport and sale of puppies, particularly from out-of-state breeders.
  3. Increase penalties for those caught selling commercially bred puppies under false pretenses, including puppy laundering schemes that exploit legal loopholes.
  4. Establish a clear statewide system for reporting and investigating breeders and brokers who violate animal welfare standards.
  5. Provide the public with better access to breeder and broker inspection reports to inform consumers about the origins of their pets.

By taking these steps, we can ensure a future where puppies are no longer subjected to the cruel conditions of mass breeding operations. We can protect California families from the heartbreak and financial burden of unknowingly supporting this system. More importantly, we can fulfill our moral obligation to treat animals with the dignity and care they deserve.

Let us create a California where compassion guides our actions, and where every animal has a chance at a healthy, humane life.


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