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NO to Styrofoam! YES to Eco-Friendly Alternatives!

7,155 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

23.85% Complete

Sponsor: The Rainforest Site

Polystyrene food containers are destroying our planet. Tell the EPA to ban them!

Polystyrene is a plastic manufactured from non-renewable fossil fuels and synthetic chemicals. One if its forms, expanded polystyrene foam (EPS), better known to the public as Styrofoam, is used in cups, plates, take-out food containers, and packing materials.

It's a cheap material that has provided convenience for decades. But at what cost?

Polystyrene has massive impacts upon our planet. It does not biodegrade. It is made from non-renewable fossil fuels and chemicals that may leach into food. Animals that mistake it for food can be poisoned or killed as they attempt to digest it. It cannot be recycled.

Styrene is even considered a possible carcinogen by the National Institutes of Health.

There are better, more environmentally-friendly options for the ubiquitous foam food containers. Recyclable and compostable options are available. Cities and counties around the nation are taking it upon themselves to protect their communities from the devastating effects of polystyrene, but these measures only address a national issue at the local scale.

To have the biggest impact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must step in to draft and advocate for legislation that would ban use of polystyrene by all stores, restaurants, parks and beaches. This ban would have an immediate and undeniable impact on the health of our environment and citizens. Such a large, sweeping ban would also send a powerful message to other nations that cheap convenience cannot supersede the sustainability of the health of people or the planet!

Tell the EPA to do their job and ban the use of polystyrene by all stores, restaurants, parks, and beaches across the nation!

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The Petition:

To the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,

I'm writing to you to voice my support for the many polystyrene bans being put into effect by cities and counties around the nation. These measures are designed to protect both people and the planet from a substance that negatively impacts both.

Polystyrene has massive impacts upon our planet. It does not biodegrade. It is made from non-renewable fossil fuels and chemicals that may leach into food. Animals that mistake it for food can be poisoned or killed as they attempt to digest it. It cannot be recycled.

Styrene is even considered a possible carcinogen by the National Institutes of Health.

There are better, more environmentally-friendly options for the ubiquitous foam food containers. Recyclable and compostable options are available that are just as effective as foam containers.

Because of this, I am writing to request that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must step in to draft and advocate for legislation that would ban use of polystyrene by all stores, restaurants, parks and beaches.

This ban would have an immediate and undeniable impact on the health of our environment and citizens. Such a large, sweeping ban would also send a powerful message to other nations that cheap convenience cannot supersede the sustainability of the health of people or the planet!

Please, stand up for public health and the environment and ban the use of polystyrene by all stores, restaurants, parks, and beaches across the nation!

Thank you,

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