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Don't Let This Chinese SeaWorld Copycat Keep Orcas Captive

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41.45% Complete

Sponsor: The Rainforest Site

One year after SeaWorld ended its captive orca breeding program, a Chinese company has begun their own. Speak out against it!

Ever since the documentary "Blackfish" [1] showed the public the inhumane conditions endured by orcas at SeaWorld, there has been massive pushback against cetaceans being used for entertainment purposes.

But one year after SeaWorld announced they were abandoning their captive orca breeding program [2], a new program is opening in China with the help of the Chimelong Group, one of the country's biggest amusement park operators. [3]

On February 24th, 2017, The Chimelong Ocean Kingdom began an active breeding center for orcas. Currently, the park has five male orcas and four females, ranging in age from five-years-old to 13. These precious animals were taken directly from their wild habitats in the Sea of Okhotsk, Russia. [4]

Not only are these orcas being taken directly from the wild, they are being taken for the sole purpose of providing an attraction for a crowd and making money for an amusement company.

Animal cruelty and welfare laws are basically non-existent in China. They have some of the worst animal farming practices in the world, including Asiatic black bears which are supposed to be protected by the state. [6] The fact that it is entirely legal for China to keep orcas captive at all is a huge problem that needs to be rectified as soon as possible.

People around the world have already been up in arms about orca captivity, and many countries have agreed that it is simply better for these animals to be left in the wild. Right now, several cities in the United States, along with 15 other countries have all banned orca captivity of any kind from their countries. [5] And it is for very good reason.

Orcas are incredibly smart animals who live very intricate social lives with their pods. In captivity, they are entirely deprived of any social interaction they would normally have with in the wild. Their lifespans become stunted and many develop serious health issues well being imprisoned. With a daily range of close to 100 miles and the ability to dive almost 200 feet deep, no facility can accommodate their needs.

We can't continue to let orcas suffer, die, and be mistreated! People have no business keeping orcas captive! Chimelong Ocean Kingdom should neither have captive cetaceans, nor breed them!

[1] Blackfish, 2013. Retrieved April 13, 2017. http://www.blackfishmovie.com/

[2] Howard, B. SeaWorld to End Controversial Orca Shows and Breeding (n.d.) Retrieved April 13, 2017. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/03/160317-seaworld-orcas-killer-whales-captivity-breeding-shamu-tilikum/

[3] Chimelong Ocean Kingdom (n.d). Retrieved April 13, 2017. http://oceankingdom-int.chimelong.com/Oceankingdom/EN/

[4] Actman, J. China's First Orca Breeding Center Sparks Controversy (n.d). Retrieved April 13, 2017. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/03/wildlife-watch-china-orca-breeding-center-marine-park/

[5] Kirby, D. Here's All The Places Around The World That Ban Orca Activity (April 10, 2014). Retrieved April 13, 2017. http://www.takepart.com/article/2014/04/10/all-states-countries-and-cities-ban-orcas-captivity

[6]Tobias, M.C. Animal Rights In China (November 2, 2012). Retrieved April 14, 2017. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltobias/2012/11/02/animal-rights-in-china/#35bcd2c97d57

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The Petition:

Dear Chimelong Group, and the State Forestry Administration of China,

Countries around the world have already banned the practice of keeping orcas in captivity, so why is China just now beginning a program that does what the rest of the world has deemed cruel?

We write to you asking that the Chimelong Ocean Kingdom's captive orca breeding program be stopped and the nine currently captive orcas be allowed to be free and go back to their homes in the wild where they belong.

These animals must be set free and the Chinese animal conservation legislation that allows the capture and breeding of these amazing creatures needs to be amended immediately so no more harm can come to orcas in China, and the rest of the world.

This kind of captive animal cruelty cannot continue.


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