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Prevent The Fur Trade From Fueling the Next Pandemic

1,085 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

3.62% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Fur farms are breeding deadly viruses that could unleash the next global pandemic. We must end this cruelty before these hidden threats spread further.

The world is facing an urgent and overlooked threat that could ignite the next global health crisis. Fur farms across the globe—including those in the U.S., China, and Europe—are breeding grounds for deadly viruses that put public safety at immediate risk. Recent research has revealed dozens of high-risk viruses, such as coronaviruses and avian influenza strains, circulating within these farms1. These viruses, many newly identified, can jump to humans with alarming ease, creating a direct pathway to the next pandemic.

The fur industry’s unethical practices fuel this danger. Millions of animals, including mink, raccoon dogs, and Arctic foxes, suffer in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions on fur farms2. These environments are perfect for viruses to thrive and mutate. Cross-species infections are already happening, with viruses leaping from wild animals to farmed species and back to humans3.

The Global Health and Ethical Crisis

Fur farms across many countries, including those in the U.S., pose an enormous risk to global public health. These operations are breeding grounds for the next pandemic. Beyond coronaviruses, avian influenza strains like H5N6 have been detected in mink and other fur animals, significantly increasing the threat4. The likelihood of these viruses mutating and spreading is a ticking time bomb, endangering human lives everywhere.

The cross-species transmission that happens on fur farms multiplies the risk of deadlier viral strains emerging. Experts have compared the viral risks of fur farms to those posed by live animal markets3. These farms are not only ethical disasters—they are public health hazards that endanger everyone.

We Must Act Now

The U.S. has a moral and public health obligation to end its reliance on imported fur from any foreign source. Continuing to support these global fur farms puts U.S. citizens at risk and fuels inhumane practices. Some countries have already banned fur farming due to these risks, but the U.S. continues to import millions of dollars' worth of fur from high-risk operations1.

Public health experts and advocates for animal rights are calling for immediate government action to ban fur imports from all foreign sources and impose stricter regulations on fur products. By halting U.S. business with global fur farms, we reduce the risk of deadly virus outbreaks and pressure industries to adopt ethical, humane alternatives.

A Safer, Compassionate Future Is Possible

We must act now before it’s too late. The longer we depend on fur imports, the greater the chance we face another devastating pandemic. We cannot afford to ignore this growing threat. By stopping the flow of fur from dangerous farms worldwide, we will protect public health, save countless lives, and set a global example for ethical trade and humane practices.

We call on the Secretary of Commerce, the U.S. Trade Representative, and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to ban all fur imports until these health and ethical threats are fully addressed. The U.S. must lead the way in protecting public safety and ending animal cruelty.

Sign the petition now to demand immediate action.

More on this issue:

  1. Humane Society International (5 September 2024), "Scientists Raise Alarm Over Public Health Dangers of the Fur Trade."
  2. Jon Cohen, Science (5 September 2024), "Animals Farmed for Fur Harbor Dozens of Concerning Viruses."
  3. Jin Zhao, Wenbo Wan, Kang Yu, Philippe Lemey, John H.-O. Pettersson, Yuhai Bi, Meng Lu, Xinxin Li, Zhuohang Chen, Mengdi Zheng, Ge Yan, JianJun Dai, Yuxing Li, Ayidana Haerheng, Na He, Changchun Tu, Marc A. Suchard, Edward C. Holmes, Wan-Ting He & Shuo Su, Nature (2024), "Farmed Fur Animals Harbor Viruses with Zoonotic Spillover Potential."
  4. Hugo Francisco de Souza, News Medical (9 September 2024), "Chinese Farmed Fur Animals Found to Harbor Dozens of Novel Viruses."
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The Petition:

To the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, U.S. Trade Representative, and Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,

We, the undersigned, urge the U.S. government to immediately halt all business dealings involving the import of fur from any foreign source due to the severe public health risks and ethical concerns these operations pose. Recent studies reveal that fur farms across the globe, including in China and Europe, harbor high-risk viruses such as coronaviruses and avian influenza, putting public health in immediate danger. These farms, with their overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, foster cross-species viral transmission that could spark future pandemics.

Beyond these health risks, the inhumane treatment of animals on fur farms worldwide cannot be ignored. Millions of animals endure brutal conditions for fur production each year, despite the availability of ethical alternatives like faux fur. The cruelty of the fur industry is well-documented, and there is no longer any justification for continuing to support such practices.

While we believe that the fur trade in all forms should end immediately—including fur farming in the United States—this critical move to ban imported fur would eliminate significant sources of fur from the U.S. market. This step would pressure companies to adopt faux fur alternatives and bring us closer to a future where the U.S. is entirely fur-free. Ending U.S. reliance on foreign fur not only mitigates public health risks but also sends a clear message that we prioritize ethical practices and animal welfare over profits.

Experts have warned that fur farms are comparable to live animal markets in their potential to trigger the next global health crisis. The time for action is now. We call on the Department of Commerce, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and the Environmental Protection Agency to enact an immediate ban on all fur imports. Doing so will protect U.S. citizens' health, move us one step closer to ending the cruel fur trade, and set a global precedent for ethical and safe trade practices.

Swift and decisive action will ensure a healthier, more compassionate future for all.


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