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Stop the Slaughter of Innocent Wildlife on Our Public Lands

10,808 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

36.03% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

America’s public lands are being stained with the blood of innocent wildlife. Join us to end the brutal killing contests that target defenseless animals for sport.

Every year, across America’s public lands, wildlife killing contests take place in the shadows. These events target animals like coyotes, foxes, bobcats, and even mountain lions. Participants compete to kill the most or the largest animals for prizes, turning our shared natural spaces into blood-soaked battlegrounds.

These contests are not just about sport. They represent a dark and outdated practice that undermines the very essence of wildlife conservation.

Disrupting Nature's Balance

Wildlife killing contests are legal in 42 states. They involve using unethical methods like electronic calling devices that lure animals to their deaths. The animals are often discarded afterward, left to rot where they fall. These contests disrupt the natural balance of our ecosystems by removing key predators, leading to overpopulation of prey species and significant ecological imbalance1.

The Flawed Logic Behind Predator Control

Scientific research shows that indiscriminate killing of predators like coyotes does not reduce their populations. In fact, it can lead to a population increase. When dominant animals are killed, younger ones breed more frequently, causing a population boom rather than a decline. This flawed logic has been debunked by ecologists and conservationists alike2.

Violating Ethical Hunting Principles

These contests also violate ethical hunting principles. Many hunters and wildlife conservationists oppose them, arguing they undermine the reputation of ethical hunting and fail as a wildlife management tool. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has stated that such contests do not effectively control populations and may harm public perception of hunting1. They are more about bloodlust than conservation, and they tarnish the legacy of responsible hunters who respect wildlife and the environment.

The Push for Legislative Action

There is hope. In response to growing public outrage, ten states, including Arizona, California, and New York, have already passed laws banning these events3. But we need more. At the federal level, the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act of 2024 has been introduced to ban these contests on public lands nationwide4. This legislation would protect more than 500 million acres of public land from being turned into killing fields.

Take Action: Protect Wildlife and Public Lands

Public opinion is on our side. More than 80% of Americans oppose wildlife killing contests, viewing them as cruel and unnecessary5. The time to act is now. We must push for this legislation to be passed, ending these brutal contests once and for all.

Your voice matters. By signing the petition, you can help ensure that these cruel and senseless events are relegated to the past.

Protect wildlife. Preserve our public lands. Sign the petition today and take a stand against wildlife killing contests.

More on this issue:

  1. The Humane Society (2024), "Facts About Wildlife Killing Contests."
  2. Megan M. Draheim , Scientific American (31 May 2017), "Why Killing Coyotes Doesn’t Make Livestock Safer."
  3. Stephanie Kurose, Camilla Fox, Marjorie Fishman, Megan Mersino, The Center for Biological Diversity (22 May 2024), "House Bill Would Ban Wildlife Killing Contests on Public Lands."
  4. Representative Steve Cohen, 118th Congress (D M Y), "H.R.8492 - Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act of 2024."
  5. Julie Knopp, The Humane League (29 July 2024), "The Dark Reality of Wildlife Killing Contests."
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The Petition:

To Representative Steve Cohen, Senator Cory Booker, the Senate Majority Leader, the Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, the Speaker of the House, and the Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee,

We, the undersigned, urge Congress to pass the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act of 2024. This crucial legislation will ban wildlife killing contests on all public lands throughout the 50 states, putting an end to the gruesome and senseless slaughter of innocent animals in these so-called “kill contests.”

Wildlife killing contests are a stain on our nation’s moral fabric, where animals like coyotes, foxes, and bobcats are brutally butchered for prizes and entertainment. These events not only cause horrific suffering to animals but also wreak havoc on our environment. Predators play a critical role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems. By removing these key species, we upset the natural harmony that keeps our environment healthy and vibrant.

Humanity and compassion demand that we protect these innocent creatures and recognize the intrinsic value of all life. We must rise above these barbaric practices and foster a society that values all living beings, understanding that each species contributes to the delicate web of life that sustains us all.

By passing the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act of 2024, we take a vital step toward ensuring a better future for our planet and all who inhabit it. These actions will not only protect wildlife but also safeguard the environment, ensuring that future generations can enjoy the beauty and diversity of our natural world. Let us move forward with compassion and integrity, creating a world where all life is respected and valued.


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