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Stop the Slaughter of America’s Horses

1,548 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

5.16% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Join us in the fight to end the cruel slaughter of American horses—your action today can save lives.

American horses are in grave danger. Every year, tens of thousands of these majestic animals are subjected to unimaginable cruelty as they are shipped to foreign slaughterhouses. They endure grueling journeys, crammed into overcrowded trailers without adequate food, water, or rest, only to face a terrifying and painful death once they arrive1. This brutal practice must end, and you have the power to help stop it.

The SAFE Act: A Vital Step Forward

The Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act2 is critical legislation that would put an end to the slaughter of American horses, both within our borders and abroad. The bill would permanently ban horse slaughter plants on U.S. soil and stop the export of horses for the purpose of slaughter in other countries3. This is not just about protecting horses; it is about upholding our responsibility to treat all animals with the compassion they deserve.

Why Horse Slaughter Is So Inhumane

Horse slaughter is an inherently cruel process. Horses are not raised for meat, and their anatomy makes them difficult to stun effectively, often resulting in repeated blows to the head and conscious dismemberment4. The journey to the slaughterhouse is equally horrific, with horses frequently injured or killed during transport5. This level of suffering is unacceptable, especially for animals that have served as companions, athletes, and workers throughout American history.

A Public Health Crisis

Beyond the moral imperative, horse slaughter poses significant public health risks. Horses in the United States are routinely given medications that are not safe for human consumption, such as phenylbutazone, a common anti-inflammatory drug that can cause severe health issues in humans6. Despite these dangers, horsemeat still enters the food supply, often mislabeled as beef in foreign markets. The European Union has already banned the import of horsemeat from certain countries due to these risks4. The SAFE Act would ensure that no American horse ever enters the food chain, protecting both horses and consumers.

Widespread Support for Change

The SAFE Act has garnered strong bipartisan support in Congress, reflecting the overwhelming public opposition to horse slaughter. More than half of the U.S. House of Representatives has already signed on as cosponsors of the bill6. This growing momentum is a clear signal that the time for change is now. However, the bill cannot become law without your help. Your voice is essential in pushing this legislation over the finish line.

Take Action Now

American horses deserve better than a life of suffering and a brutal death. The SAFE Act is our chance to end this inhumane practice once and for all. We need your help to ensure that Congress passes this crucial legislation. By signing the petition, you can join the fight to protect America’s horses from slaughter and ensure a more compassionate future for all animals.

Sign the petition now and make your voice heard. Together, we can end the suffering and protect America’s forgotten equines.

More on this issue:

  1. Rob Blizard, Pilot Online (16 October 2019), "The SAFE Act Would Protect Horses from Slaughter."
  2. Rep. Vern Buchanan, 118th Congress (18 May 2023), "H.R.3475 - SAFE Act of 2023."
  3. PR Newswire (18 May 2023), "Animal Welfare Groups Commend Members of Congress for Reintroducing Legislation to End Horse Slaughter."
  4. Animal Welfare Institute (2024), "Save America’s Forgotten Equines Act."
  5. Sara Amundson and Kitty Block, Humane Society Legislative Fund (14 February 2020), "Poster Children for the SAFE Act: Kill Buyers Fined Again."
  6. Thomas Novelly, Center for a Humane Economy (13 August 2024), "Anti-Horse Slaughter Bill Reaches Milestone with Half of U.S. House Lawmakers Cosponsoring It."
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The Petition:

Dear Members of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee, U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader, and Honorable Members of Congress,

We, the undersigned, urgently call on you to pass the Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act, legislation that is essential to ending the inhumane slaughter of American horses and their export for slaughter abroad. The SAFE Act would permanently close horse slaughter plants on U.S. soil and prevent the transport of horses across our borders for the sole purpose of slaughter.

Horses are iconic symbols of America’s heritage, serving as companions, athletes, and working partners. Yet, despite their noble status, tens of thousands of these animals are subjected to brutal and inhumane deaths each year. The practice of horse slaughter is not only cruel but also unnecessary, given that horses are not bred for consumption and are routinely administered substances harmful to humans if ingested.

The transport and slaughter of horses involve unimaginable suffering. These animals endure grueling journeys in overcrowded trailers, often without adequate food, water, or rest. Upon arrival at foreign slaughterhouses, they face terrifying and painful deaths. This practice is a betrayal of the trust these animals place in us, and it is a stain on our national conscience.

We believe that the United States must lead by example in the humane treatment of all animals. By passing the SAFE Act, you have the power to end this cruelty and protect American horses from a fate they do not deserve.

This legislation not only reflects our collective humanity but also addresses significant public health concerns associated with horsemeat, which is tainted by drugs unsafe for human consumption. The passage of the SAFE Act would align U.S. policy with the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose horse slaughter and would send a clear message that we value the lives and well-being of all creatures.

We implore you to take swift and decisive action to pass the SAFE Act. By doing so, you will ensure a better future where the welfare of our animals is prioritized, and where the United States stands as a beacon of humane and ethical treatment for all beings.

Thank you for your consideration and your commitment to making a compassionate choice for the future of our nation’s horses.


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