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Stop the Slaughter of Tanzania’s Last 'Super Tusker' Elephants

8,891 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

29.64% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Tanzania’s last majestic elephants are being hunted to extinction—save these irreplaceable giants from a tragic end.

Tanzania’s most iconic elephants are facing an existential threat. In recent months, five of the majestic super tuskers from the Amboseli ecosystem have been killed by trophy hunters in Tanzania. These elephants, known for their long, sweeping tusks, are among the last of their kind. The loss of these magnificent animals is not just a tragedy for Tanzania, but a devastating blow to global conservation efforts.

The Amboseli elephants are unique. They roam the vast savannas that span across Kenya and Tanzania, and their survival depends on the protection of these cross-border lands. For decades, these elephants were safe, thanks to an unspoken agreement between Kenya and Tanzania. But that agreement has broken down, leaving these vulnerable animals at the mercy of hunters1.

Why This Matters

The Amboseli elephants are more than just symbols of Africa’s wild heritage. They are vital to the ecosystem they inhabit. As a keystone species, elephants play a crucial role in shaping their environment. They create watering holes, disperse seeds, and maintain the open landscapes that many other species depend on. The loss of these elephants would have a ripple effect across the entire ecosystem1.

Economically, the presence of elephants is invaluable to Tanzania. Tourism is a major contributor to the nation’s economy, and the opportunity to see these magnificent creatures in the wild is a significant draw for visitors from around the world. The lifetime value of a single elephant in tourism revenue far exceeds the short-term gains from hunting2.

Allowing these elephants to be hunted not only threatens their survival but also undermines the economic stability of the communities that depend on wildlife tourism2.

The Ethical Imperative

Beyond the ecological and economic reasons for protecting these elephants, there is a deeper, ethical responsibility. Elephants are highly intelligent, social animals. They form deep family bonds, communicate with each other using specific calls, and even mourn their dead. To kill these creatures for sport is a profound violation of the principles of compassion and respect for life3.

The recent killings of super tuskers have sparked outrage among conservationists and the global community. These elephants are not just animals; they are sentient beings with intrinsic value. Their loss is a loss for all of humanity.

Act Now to Save the Amboseli Elephants

The situation is dire, but it is not too late to act. By signing the petition, you can help put an end to the hunting of these irreplaceable animals. The petition calls on the President of Tanzania to ban elephant hunting in all areas where the Amboseli elephants roam. This is a critical step to ensure the survival of one of the world’s most iconic species.

Time is running out for these magnificent creatures. The decisions we make today will determine whether future generations will have the chance to marvel at the majesty of the Amboseli elephants, or whether they will only know them as memories.

Sign the petition now. Stand with us in protecting Tanzania’s elephants and securing a future where they can live in peace.

More on this issue:

  1. Shola Lawal, The New York Times (3 July 2024), "A Ban on Elephant Hunting Has Collapsed. Or Maybe It Never Existed."
  2. Antoinette van de Water, Michelle Henley, Lucy Bates, Rob Slotow, Ecosystem Services (December 2022), "The value of elephants: A pluralist approach."
  3. Malavika Vyawahare, Mongabay (22 July 2024), "Trophy Hunting of Amboseli’s Super Tuskers in Tanzania Sparks Outrage, Calls for a Ban."
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The Petition:

To the President of Tanzania,

We, the undersigned, respectfully call upon the government of Tanzania to take immediate action to ban elephant hunting in all areas where the Amboseli elephants range. These magnificent creatures, known for their awe-inspiring tusks and deep intelligence, are a vital part of Tanzania’s natural heritage and a cornerstone of the ecosystem that supports countless other species.

The recent killing of several super tuskers in Tanzanian territory has sparked international outrage and deep concern among conservationists, tourists, and compassionate individuals around the world. These elephants are not just animals; they are sentient beings with complex social structures, capable of forming deep familial bonds and demonstrating remarkable intelligence. To hunt them for sport is to disregard the humanity and compassion that must guide our stewardship of the natural world.

The loss of even a single super tusker is a profound tragedy, not only for the elephant population but also for the communities that benefit from the presence of these majestic animals. Tourism, which contributes significantly to Tanzania’s economy, relies heavily on the allure of seeing elephants in their natural habitat. Protecting these elephants ensures not only their survival but also the continued prosperity of the communities that depend on them.

We urge you, President Hassan, to take a stand for the future of Tanzania’s wildlife. By banning elephant hunting in all areas where the Amboseli elephants roam, you will send a powerful message of compassion and responsibility to the world. These actions will ensure that future generations of Tanzanians, and indeed all people, can continue to marvel at the majesty of these incredible creatures.

In doing so, you will secure a brighter future for Tanzania, where the natural beauty and biodiversity of the land are preserved, and where humanity and compassion are the guiding principles of conservation.

We thank you for your attention to this urgent matter and trust in your commitment to protecting Tanzania’s irreplaceable wildlife.


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